DIY: 3 Minute Homemade Coconut Honey Lip Scrub!

Hey Ya’ll!

Check out my newest video on my channel! It is a EASY UNDER 3 minute recipe that you most likely already have the ingredients for. All you need is: coconut oil, honey, and course sugar. Essential oils that are food grade or lemon/limes/oranges can be used as a flavoring as well. However, it already tastes delicious on its own!

Click this link below to see all the details!

Who He Is…


Many of you may have wondered onto my blog and noticed the HUGE picture of the black and tan little guy. I’m sure many have wondered who he is, why I chose him to represent and become what I centered my entire blog around. Here is his story….

His name is Chipper Jones Huffman. We grew up together; we did everything together. When I was a little girl, there would only be one word on my Christmas and Birthday Lists- PUPPY! I was relentless for YEARS begging and pleading for my parents to get me a new playmate.

Until finally one day my parents gave in. I will never forget how excited I was the day we got in the car and drove to Doswell, VA to go pick out my first dog. The breeder brought out dozens of sweet little dachshund puppies and I remember getting so discouraged hearing my parents say that none of them seemed to be the right fit for our family. At that moment, my dreams came crashing down. I really believed that I wouldn’t be going home with my new best friend, my new brother or sister. I can recount my parents asking the man if he had absolutely anymore puppies left for us to look at and he quickly said he would go check and let us know. 1604433_10202880644611564_337049614_n

I can remember it so clear- The man came out with the smallest dog I had ever laid eyes on. He was black and tan and curled up so sweetly in the mans arms. My eyes grew with excitement as I heard my parents immediately say, “THATS THE ONE!” In my 22 years of living, I have never been as thrilled as I was the moment I heard my parents speak those three words.



Shortly after signing paperwork, we were off to pick Chipper up some food and toys. I sat so alert and anxious in the back seat watching my new brother curl up in a makeshift enclosure we had created in the cab of my dad’s truck.

Chipper and I shared so many wonderful memories. Because I was an only child, he was my brother and my best friend. We did absolutely everything together- went to the beach, slept together, I shared my favorite foods with him; EVERYTHING. Fast forward many years, I moved to Hawaii to support my husband in his service, where we lived for 2 1/2 years. In May of 2014, we finally moved back to my home state of VA where I would spend six months before he passed. During those six months, Chipper would become really close with my newest puppy, Bailey. They were inseparable- racing to see who could go potty the fastest, who would get the first treat, or debating which one would get the doggy bed were just a few of the things they did on a daily basis.


Losing him was equally hard on Bailey as it was on everyone who loved and cherished Chipper. He was more than just a dog, he was human to us. He showed us the true meaning of unconditional love. He was the sweetest, most loving creature I have ever met. Because of the love he showed me over the years, everything I do is centered around him and keeping his memory alive.


I have struggled this past year with the loss of my best friend, my brother, and companion. The grief sometimes seems unbearable and then God’s mercy and His word brings me back. It is so important that when we are coping with the loss of loved ones that we allow ourselves time to grieve and mourn. It is even more important to rely on God for help and comforting when we are hurting so horribly. I am still learning how to live without my everything, but with time, patience, support, love, and prayer; I manage to get through each day.


A few things I’ve been doing to cope with the loss of Chipper:

1. PRAY. Praying has been the number one thing I have done to aid in the process of healing. In the bible, it says that Jesus mourned. Jesus went through all of the emotions we go through each and every day. He knows our hearts, our fears, and our worries. Jesus knows everything about you and me. Confiding in him is one of the best ways to seek answers and cope with losing such a big part of your life.

2. JOURNALING. Recently, I have started to journal/ start a prayer book. I went to Walmart and bought a teal and white chevron hardcover journal. By writing you are sometimes able to better communicate your feelings. In mine, I write down things like: how my week is going, how I was feeling, prayers, verses, or anything else that stood out to me in the week. Another really great thing to do is write down your blessings and what you are thankful for. In the hard times, you can go back and see where and how God is working in your life.

3. GO WHERE YOU ARE THE MOST HAPPY. One of my favorite things to do is travel. I love spending time at the beach. When I am able to, I love going to the beach and just relaxing. I love sitting quietly by myself while listening to the ocean. The beach has always been where I feel the most relaxed and the closest to God. It’s that one place that I can go and all of my worries disappear. Where do you like to go to get away?

4. SEEK FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Seek those you are the closest with. You may not feel like it is so, but those who love you will understand and be able to comfort you when you are hurting. Spend time with them doing things that are fun and special. Making memories is so important in having healthy and strong relationships.

Let me know in the comments section below about your pets!

If you have lost a pet, what do you to when you are missing them the most?

Chip and Bailey

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SUPER Affordable & Stylish Gym Attire

I am so excited to share with you guys one of my most loved gym outfits! This post is absolutely for my all my fit ladies! I typically don’t stop to shop at JCPenny but happened to be walking through one a couple weeks ago and spotted a cute little outfit bundle on my way out. These outfits are insanely affordable and include leggings, a cotton TShirt, and a matching headband for ONLY 14.99 (NOW ON SALE FOR 12.99- 7/28/2015)

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I have quite a few outfits, but these sets have been my go-to this summer. They are so comfortable and effortless. I could definitely see these being awesome for Yoga. I wear mine when I lift, run, and play racquetball.

The headbands add a little something while keeping your hair out of your face. The black top seen above actually did not come with the leopard print blue and pink leggings. To create the outfit above I was able to mix and match my tops and bottoms to create my own custom look. The leggings pictured above come with a gorgeous hot pink top. There are 7 different sets available in various colors and prints. If you would like to see the other sets I have, let me know in the comments section below!

Here is the LINK to the outfit on JCP’s website- CLICK HERE TO VIEW ON WEBSITE

Don’t forget to follow me on my social media sites so we can stay in touch!


Twitter- ssamlooorhufff


The BEST Headphones for the Gym.

​If your anything like me, you know how frustrating working out can be when your spending half of your time messing with your phone, headphones, and the cord. Listening to music is an essential part to my workout routine. It keeps me motivated and excited to workout. I have gone through quite a few headphones trying to figure out the best one for me. Guess what? I think I found it.

​I have had wired headphones; both Bose & Sony. Although those brands have awesome sound qualty and good sweat protection, the cord always managed to get tangled in the weights and my hands during my workout. There were countless times my phone would hit the floor, because the headphone’s  cord got caught on something. I also found it extremely annoying to have a cord hit me in my chest and face everytime I’d try to run on the treadmil or track. Try imaging how stupid that looked…​

​If that sounds like you, I have a solution! The JAM Mini Transit Buds. These little babies are incredible! They offer a wireless listening experience and a good quality bass. They include ear clips which keep them in your ears for the duration of your workout and are water resistent. They also come with a couple other ear piece sizes so you get the perfect fit. Unlike the Wireless Beats (priced at 199.99), these babies come in at an extremely low price of only $39 at most stores (Walmart and Target). JAM recently came out with this newer version (the Minis) which are made smaller, lighter, and have a longer battery life than the original Transit Earbuds (which are pictured below).

They also have controls located on the side of one headphone. These controls allow you to turn the music up or down, pause, and skip songs. Although I do not take advantage of this feature, they have an inline microphone which allows you to use them for phone calling. These babies are also waterproof/sweatproof; BONUS!

I would HIGHLY recommend these to ANYONE looking for an awesome, low priced, and great sounding headphones. You simply cannot beat the price of these. Both my husband and I have pairs and have enjoyed every second of owning them. Please feel free to ask me any quesions regarding these headphones. If nothing else, what are you waiting for! Go grab a pair. You won’t regret it.​

**Stay Tuned for the next blogpost- GYM ESSENTIALS.
**Make sure to follow me on my other Social Media Platforms as well.
   INSTAGRAM: samanthadavisfitness
   TWITTER: ssamlooorhufff
**If you like this blog and others like it, be sure to share it on Pinterest for others to see!

Being Christian in Today’s Society

As a Christian, it can be really difficult to know what to do in today’s society where we are persecuted against and almost shamed for what we believe in on a daily basis. It can be hard to relate to those around us who may not believe the same things as we do. I was struggling with my emotions regarding the new advancements of gay marriage. It’s important to ask ourselves, how does God want me to react to situations that may go against what the bible says? What is my purpose on earth? What is his will for my life?

 I came across a blogpost written by one of my favorite band’s lead singer, Mike Donehey. He breaks the messages of the bible down to those very questions. After reading his blogpost, I feel as if I better understand what is expected of me and how I should be acting as society changes. It is absolutely reading… Here is the link:

 Let me know what you think in the comments below. How did his message resonate with you? How can you change to live a life more dedicated to fulfilling God’s will for your life?

 **Be Sure to follow me on Instagram at samanthadavisfitness

 (The image on this blogpost are property of S.D. Photography. Do not copy or alter the image in any way.)

5 Things You Should Be Doing Daily to Maintain Your Health

So, we all know how daunting trying to get healthy can be. Shouldn’t maintaining our health be one of our top priorities since most of us desire a long and prosperous life? Managing your health can be as easy as adding a couple extra steps to your daily routine. Here are a few tips and tricks that I follow:


(Image from Google Images/ I do not take credit for this photo. All credit goes to the photographer.)

1. Drinking a glass of water with an added splash of lemon in the morning.

-Lemons are great at purifying and cleansing the system of all impurities. By incorporating lemon int0 your diet, you are arming your body against bacteria and viruses.

-You might be wondering, “Do I have to drink it in the morning?” The best way to obtain the benefits of drinking lemon water is to drink it with luke warm water in the mornings. Drinking lemon water in the morning will help give you energy and even put you in a better mood throughout your day. Fun fact; just the smell of lemon juice can provide you with a boost of energy.

-Probably one of the most popular and shocking properties of lemon is its ability to aid in weight loss.

2. Getting a goodnight’s rest.

-I can not stress how important getting good quality sleep is. How much sleep we get affects our mental health and  physical health. It isn’t neccesarily how long you sleep, it’s how well you sleep. Getting six hours of uninterrupted, deep sleep is obviously much better than ten hours of sleep filled with nightmares and rolling around.

-Getting a consistently goodnight’s sleep can aid in avoiding depression, it can keep us more attentive and focused throughout our day.

-TIP: Start with your bedroom. Is your bedroom cluttered or a place of sanctuary? If you feel stressed and scattered brained when you enter your bedroom, you might want to consider reorganizing or decorating your bedroom to look and feel more spa-like. By doing so, you will feel more relaxed and ready to engage in a wonderful night’s rest. If you have a hard time falling asleep, get rid of distractions. Put away the cell phone and computer, and pull out a book (try to dim the lights too). Start reading it and eventually you will get tired enough to fall asleep on your own.

3. Eliminate the Carbonated Beverages.

-I know the negative effects soft drinks can have on your health from personal experience. About two years ago, I made the decision to cut soda out of my diet “almost” completely. I say almost because I am human and I do enjoy the occasional Mountain Dew. After making the decision to cut it from my diet, I lost 10 lbs in a matter of a couple months. 

-If weight loss isn’t enough to encourage you to cut soda out of your diet, try googling the picture of the sugar content in water/soda/juice, etc… It’ll make you rethink drinking another 12 pack. 

-TRICK: If you have a hard time switching out water for soda, the next time you go grocery shopping invest in the water flavoring packets that contain 0 calories and 0 grams of sugar. My favorites are pink lemonaid and regular lemonaid. 


(Image from Google Images/ I do not take credit for this photo. All credit goes to the photographer.)

4. Eat More Fruit and Less Junk Food.

-You have probably heard this countless times, but the truth is- choosing healthy snacks over a bag of potato chips is vital to maintaining a health weight and balanced diet. I struggle a lot with how much and of what to eat. Honestly, when you’re craving that Herseys Bar- try to reach for something sweet, but that can provide your body with nutrition and energy instead. (Honey can also be used as a natural sweetner. Try substituting sugar with honey.)

-TIP: When I’m craving something I know I shouldn’t eat (cupcakes, cake, donuts, chocolate, chips, etc) I reach for strawberries or pineapples! They are some of the sweetest fruits available and will be sure to kick that sweettooth craving. This tip is especially helpful late at night when you are looking for that midnight snack. 

5. Be Patient with Yourself.

-No one ever said any of this would be easy, and if they did; they lied! However, don’t beat yourself up over that “cheat meal” you may of had or that day you didn’t exercise. Your fitness journey is a JOURNEY. You are human and will make mistakes just like the other millions of people who have embarked on the process of becoming healthier or more fit. 

-Treat yourself every now and then. You are less likely to be successful if you deprive yourself of all your most loved foods. Start out with small changes and eventually encorporate it into a lifestyle change. Starting off small will help you ease your way into fitness and will encourage you to keep going. 

-It takes time! Don’t expect changes overnight. This is where I still struggle constantly. Do not expect to do these few tips for a week and look like a supermodel. We are all unique and all of our stories and bodies are different. Confide in those who love and support you and you will see success and changes with time and patience. 

Disclaimer: I am NOT a professional or a doctor. I have obtained this information from personal experiences. My intentions are to help those aiming to better themselves and create a healthier lifestyle. All opinions are my own and I am not being paid to say anything listed above. 

Welcome to Fitness, Faith, and Functionality

Samantha Davis

Welcome to my blog! My name is Samantha Davis and I am a 22 year-old college student majoring in Human Services. With that said, I love helping others and that drive is what lead me to creating this blog. No matter how you got here, thank you for stopping by! You may have previously followed me from my older blog, Samantha Davis Fitness or formally known as Samantha Davis Beauty.

This blog is primarily going to be used to encourage, inspire, and help those desiring to create a healthier, more fit lifestyle. From personal experience, I completely understand how hard making changes in your life can be. It has taken me years to get where I am today ( and don’t get me wrong; I have a lonnnng ways to go). However, I am absolutely positive that with the right amount of will power and dedication anyone can achieve their personal fitness and health goals.

 Hopefully, I can offer unique and fun ways to motivate you into taking the first steps or even maintaining a fitness routine. I plan on sharing health recipes, fun fitness ideas, reviews on health related products, and outfit ideas for the gym. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please follow me on my social media platforms! I am so excited to start this journey with you all!

 Thank you for reading and I look forward to our next post!