Surviving Finals Week


I think it’s pretty easy to say that most, if not all, college students are freaking out right about…… It is the start of finals week and we’re all scrambling to study for these intense tests. Dare I say, that some college student’s success and completion of a class dangles on the edge of whether or not they pass these very exams?

There is so much anxiety and stress that develops throughout this week each semester. So, I thought it would be fitting to let you in on some of the tips and tricks I used to get through finals.

  1. Do NOT procrastinate. This is probably the most obvious out of the tips I’ll talk about on this post, however its the one thing we all seem to struggle with the most. Honestly, procrastinating is probably the worst thing you can do in preparation for your exams besides getting completely wasted (let’s be real, a good portion of the college population goes to parties on a regular basis and even more so when the going gets tough.) Try to avoid waiting until the last minute to prepare notes. Gather what you’ve done throughout the semester ahead of time and create study cards. is a great study tool and is easy to use, so it shouldn’t take up too much of your time to prepare. I usually begin studying about 3 days before the exams. Studying too far out can attribute to you forgetting information and waiting to the last minute to study- well we all know what that results in…lower grades, more stress, panic attacks, etc.
  2. Engage in stress relief activities. To eliminate unwanted stress, make sure you are doing things throughout the week that you enjoy. Take a nice warm, relaxing bath after a couple hours of studying. Listen to your favorite music and have a dance session. Go for a walk or exercise. Additionally, right before your exam, practice breathing in and out slowly- this will lower your heart rate and get rid of any butterflies you may have about the exam.
  3. Seek a classmates help or even tutoring if your struggling with class material. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help if you need clarification on a certain topic. Study with friends or classmates. Most students want to do well and are willing to meet up for study sessions. If you are really having a hard time understanding class material, seek the professors help; they are there for a reason. The professors know the material better than anyone; I mean they are the ones who write the tests…
  4. Limit social media use. This is probably the one thing I am the worst at doing- turning off social media. Undoubtedly, if we could limit the amount of time we spend on Instagram, Facebook, etc- We could spend more time studying and get more done in a shorter amount of time.
  5. Pray. If you are religious, try praying during finals week. Sometimes feeling like all the weight is on your shoulders can be difficult. Try to place your worries on God and ask for his guidance and help during this stressful time in your semester. Jesus knows more than anyone what you are going through. Look to your bible for answers if you are struggling with finding peace and comfort.

Good luck on your exams this week. Make sure to share this blogpost with friends and classmates who may be having a hard time this week. Also, follow me on Instagram and my other social media platforms to keep up to date with new blogposts. Links are on the right hand side at the top of my page.

(I did not take the picture above nor do I take credit for it. All credit goes to the photographer mnplatypus on Pixabay)